Monday, January 5, 2009

Tax dollars hard at work!

Poor Andy has been selected for jury duty. He has to go in for jury selection on the ninth of this month at nine in the morning. The best part of this wonderful story is that Andy's older sister is getting married that day at a quarter to ten in the bountiful temple. I am hoping that the jury duty will be cancelled the night before, but knowing our luck it wont be. So in that case I will hope that it will only take an hour so Andy can be there when his sister comes out of the temple. Not that I know how long it will take. But as one of my new year resolutions is to be a more positive and kinder person(hey, I can try right?) I will hope for the best!

On a completely different side note, one of my other new year resolutions is to have at least one of my jewelry pieces published. There, now that I have written it down where anyone can see it maybe it will actually happen. I have been looking into it. There are a couple of competitions I'm thinking of entering, I might also submit a bead project to a magazine. This is where the think positive resolution comes in. If I think positive it will be more likely to happen right?

1 comment:

r said...

Wow, that sucks for Andy. Good luck with that.

I think your first resolution is a lost cause ;) But the second I like! That would be awesome. You will be able to do that, easy! I want a copy of the magazine that is smart enough to publish your stuff.