Monday, November 9, 2009
I am compleatly freaking out!
A friend at work has asked me to make her wedding jewelry and I am sooo panicked! She gave me a bracelet to base the designs off of, and so far I've made three of my ideas. I have also got two more ideas waiting to be made. The problem is that I keep freaking out with thoughts like, what if she doesn't like any of them, or what if she says she likes them but doesn't really and wears it so she doesn't hurt my feelings. I am so panicked I can't think of anything else. I really want this to go good. Cross your fingers that she'll fall in love with something I do.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Halloween week
We started the week off by carving pumpkins. We lit them up every night to scare away any ghosts that were out there. We then spent the rest of the week planing what we were going to do on Halloween day.(I know exciting)
Then the day came!
We dressed Avah as a clown and Sarah as the devil she is(j/k). Andy was batman again and I was just a fairy. When I got home form work we went to the trunk-or-treat. Avah had a ton of fun and got just as much candy. We then went home made homemade pizza and watched the Nightmare Before Christmas. Avah, who was allowed to eat as much candy as she wanted after her dinner, was the only one who stayed awake through the entire movie. All-in-all a good Halloween. (don't worry the as much candy as she wanted was a one time thing. I don't want her to have another sugar rush like that.)
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
The dog we had for a couple of days.

Friday, September 11, 2009
So labor day weekend was my second attempt at selling my jewelry, and while I didn't do as well as I thought I would I still did about three times better than I did last year. Needless to say I'm encouraged enough to try again. I also learned alot from Lindsee(one of the girls I did the booth with.). We also "rented" our booth to a lady that wanted to sell her hair flowers, and to be honest she was annoying and lazy. All we charged her was a third of the booth money, but we should have charged for labor too. Saturday she dropped off her stuff left and then came back when it was time to close for the night. Lindsee had to keep track of her money and we both had to help the costumers. Of course she didn't leave any bags for us to use so we had to use our own(only when people asked, we didn't want any negative feelings from customers). And when she was there she had Lindsee set aside about a hundred dollars worth of her jewelery because she couldn't decide on a necklace, I only had to set aside about five dollars worth. She didn't help her costumers, all she would do is talked to Lindsee. She turn her chair so that her back was to me and Lindsee couldn't get around her, so for a little while I was taking money for both of them. Lindsee felt bad and told me that if I wanted to walk around and check stuff out she would watch my stuff for me. The other girl(I can't remember her name) left around five to "feed her family" and then showed up again when it was time to take everything down, about nine(apparently it takes a long time to feed the family a pizza that she called a half hour ahead on.) Other than that it went pretty good I made a bit of profit, and learned what I need to improve on. I'm encouraged enough to want to do one around Christmas.
Now for a Sarah update...Sarah just had her four month appointment the other day. She is five months now but her doctor was on holiday and the I forgot about it and had to set up another one. Any way she is 18lbs. and 26in. long. Her doctor said that she is the size of about an 8month old. He was also surprised to see that she has her first two teeth. So she is a big healthy giant who is all smiles and drool. She will also only laugh for Avah. I have tried being as silly as Avah to get Sarah to laugh but I guess I just can't do it right. I have a video of it on my phone and if I can get Andy to help me I'll post it so you can see how funny and adorable it is.
Now for an Avah update...Avah hasn't had a doctors appointment recently(not for the lack of trying, she was so upset when she found out the doctor was going to look at Sarah and not her.) but she is growing like a weed! Her talking improves everyday. she can now tell me what she wants as long as she isn't upset, which makes things easier. Most of the time she is an awesome big sister. she loves dogs right now, probably because she has seen alot lately. I love how polite she is most of the time. She is turning into such a cute kid.
Now for a Sarah update...Sarah just had her four month appointment the other day. She is five months now but her doctor was on holiday and the I forgot about it and had to set up another one. Any way she is 18lbs. and 26in. long. Her doctor said that she is the size of about an 8month old. He was also surprised to see that she has her first two teeth. So she is a big healthy giant who is all smiles and drool. She will also only laugh for Avah. I have tried being as silly as Avah to get Sarah to laugh but I guess I just can't do it right. I have a video of it on my phone and if I can get Andy to help me I'll post it so you can see how funny and adorable it is.
Now for an Avah update...Avah hasn't had a doctors appointment recently(not for the lack of trying, she was so upset when she found out the doctor was going to look at Sarah and not her.) but she is growing like a weed! Her talking improves everyday. she can now tell me what she wants as long as she isn't upset, which makes things easier. Most of the time she is an awesome big sister. she loves dogs right now, probably because she has seen alot lately. I love how polite she is most of the time. She is turning into such a cute kid.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Sarah pictures!
She isn't as comfortable around the camera as Avah was at that age,
but I still got some good ones.
Isn't she so adorable?! I can't believe what cute kids I have!

This one is my favorite. Her smile is just so big. She is definitely one happy baby.
P.S. I cut my hair. I just couldn't handle how long it was. It is now just above my shoulders. I don't like the way it looks, but its nice not having to move my hair when I sit down so I don't pull it. I didn't donate it to locks of love. I should have but I forgot to say something to the girl cutting it. It was a lot of hair too, I didn't realize how much I was cutting off until I saw it on the floor.

This one is my favorite. Her smile is just so big. She is definitely one happy baby.
P.S. I cut my hair. I just couldn't handle how long it was. It is now just above my shoulders. I don't like the way it looks, but its nice not having to move my hair when I sit down so I don't pull it. I didn't donate it to locks of love. I should have but I forgot to say something to the girl cutting it. It was a lot of hair too, I didn't realize how much I was cutting off until I saw it on the floor.
Friday, July 17, 2009
funny story
The other day Sarah was spitting up a lot, and Andy kept using his socks to clean it up. He had gone through three pairs and I was always the one who picked them up off the floor. So when I had him feed Sarah I handed him a burp cloth and told him it was so he didn't have to use his socks again. His response was "what if I do." So to show my annoyance I said, "My plot to kill you will come increasingly closer." Finding it funny he asked, "Does it involve a cliff?" Being a little more annoyed with his answer I said, "No, but it involves socks!" I was not expecting the roar of laughter that followed. I mean he was laughing hard and loud, which just made me laugh. Andy found it so funny he submitted the story to Readers Digest. We are still waiting to hear if they are going to use it, and I am still plotting death by socks. I am sure I will post any developments with either situation.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Up to date pictures.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009
I have a bedroom and Sarah is rolling over!!!!!
Two very exciting things happened yesterday, first I finally saw Sarah roll over. She has been rolling over for almost a week now but until yesterday it was always when my back was turned. Second, carpet men installed the carpet for our bedroom. As soon as they were done Andy put up the blinds and curtains and we ( Yes, I helped) moved furniture in. Also, Avah has her very own big girl bed(not a toddler bed) and Sarah is finally in the crib. Now I am trying to organize everything, which is going to take another three years! Oh, the walls match the rest of the house and the carpet is green. It looks really good, Andy did an awesome job!
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Sarah's 2 month Dr. appointment.

Friday, May 15, 2009
a big disappointment
The jewlery contest that I entered didn't pick any of my stuff. It is very upsetting and a huge blow to my confidence. If you do want to see what did make it you can go to You have to vote to see everything though. I will admit that some of it was amazing but, there was one or two that I think were alot more hideous than mine. I am really sad that I didn't make it. If anyone wants one of my entries just claim it and it's yours.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Two pictures that say it all and a cute baby.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Three years and counting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Today we now have two beautiful little girls, a house that's falling apart, two cars(one of which is paid off!), and a huge school loan. Ahhh married life, isn't it great! I can't wait to see what the next thirty years will give us!
(Yes, I know the cheese factor is very high in this post, but what can I say? I'm just happy someone managed to stay with me for this long! My girls are just sooo cute I had to throw another picture of them on here.)

Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Sarah's two week doctor visit
So I took Sarah in for her check up yesterday. She is twenty one and a half inches tall, and weighs ten pounds two ounces. Yes in two weeks my baby gained a pound. I must have good milk. Everything is looking good, she is a very healthy baby. I had Avah with me when we went, and when the nurse started to take blood from Sarah for that test thing... Avah was not happy. I think she is going to be a protective sister. Anyway Sarah is healthy, growing fast, pooping like crazy(seriously you should hear whats going on next to me), and eating just as much.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Easter Pictures!!!

Sarah was a bit trickier. She isn't smiling in any of her pictures(I guess she just didn't have any gas). She also didn't seem to like us posing her too much. I guess we will just have to give it time. I did notice that she pulls off yellow really well. It seems to be her color.

She looks a little upset in the first one, but I really like the second one. I love those chubby cheeks of hers. I hope they stay awhile. I have the cutest little girls in all the world!(no offence to anyone elses, but its true.)
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Sarah's first two weeks.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009
And Then There Were 4

Wow! What an event. Let me give you the Dad's eye view of the birth of Sarah. First of all, we have been monitoring Rachel's blood pressure for months, which has been a real help in telling what is dangerous and what is just stress/headaches/etc. We borrowed the blood pressure monitor from my Stepmother, Marcia. I'm really glad we had it. We were able to see that Rachel's blood pressure was steadily in the mild high blood pressure range -- usually about 145/90. The OB/GYN was keeping track of her like a hawk, so it was nice to just do as we were told. On the last visit on Mon. the 23rd, the doctor wanted to schedule Rachel to be induced for labor on Sunday morning. He would be at the hospital anyway and this way if he needed to do a C-section, he could.
So Rachel and I waited till Sunday at 5:30. Thats when we got the call to be at the hospital by 6 - 6:15. So we both got in the car (Rachel dropped Avah off at Mum's house Sat. night) and headed out for the hospital. Speaking of heading out... that kid's head was HUGE. Anyway, Rachel was induced and after 12 hours of contractions, she was ready to push. After about 1/2 hour of pushing, it was determined the head was too big and Rachel was as far as she could go without
tearing. So the doc made a small cut, and the next contraction was all that was needed to let that gargantuan nogin out into the world. When I saw the head out I thought, "Holy cow! There's probably a body with that head!" And sure enough, a quick shoulder turn and Pooof! Sarah was born! She is 9 lbs. 2 oz.
She sleeps quickly, eats quickly, and poops quickly. Luckily the diaper was close...
So, yeah. She's just a little bundle.
Cute as
a button. Just adorable. Her cheeks are so big, they make her eyes squint. We were all able to come home at about noon today (Tuesday). We picked up Avah from Nanny and then I realized... now we are four. Pretty cool.
All I (Rachel) can say is.. Andy needs to tell these stories more often. He is alot funnier than I am.
So Rachel and I waited till Sunday at 5:30. Thats when we got the call to be at the hospital by 6 - 6:15. So we both got in the car (Rachel dropped Avah off at Mum's house Sat. night) and headed out for the hospital. Speaking of heading out... that kid's head was HUGE. Anyway, Rachel was induced and after 12 hours of contractions, she was ready to push. After about 1/2 hour of pushing, it was determined the head was too big and Rachel was as far as she could go without

She sleeps quickly, eats quickly, and poops quickly. Luckily the diaper was close...
So, yeah. She's just a little bundle.

All I (Rachel) can say is.. Andy needs to tell these stories more often. He is alot funnier than I am.

Friday, March 27, 2009
Jewelry contest entries.
So I have finally decided to be brave and post pictures of my entries in the jewelry contest. Keep in mind that the pictures aren't that great. I look at other peoples photos' from last years though and they are about the same. Feel free to give your honestly brutal opinions, as I have already entered and can't do anything about it.
Okay, so in the Hearts Design category I entered...
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
The Last Sarah Update.
Until she is born that is. My doctor doesn't want me to go past my due date so if I don't go into labor before Sunday he is going to break my water for me. The only problem with it happening on Sunday is that it is also when Shaylee is going to be blessed( Sorry Mark and Alicia. I hope I didn't spell her name wrong). I really want this part to be over though. My doctor is concerned about my blood pressure. He said that if it continues to climb at a steady pace I'm to go straight to labor and delivery. So far I have managed to get it back down when it gets kinda high. I believe that that is all the highlights so next time I post I will hopefully have pictures of Sarah!
Monday, March 16, 2009
All about Sarah.
I just had another doctors appointment today, and I am 37 weeks and 3days along. I could go into labor at any moment and that would be OK. The baby is in the right position, and the doctor stretched me to a 3( yes it was as horrible as it sounds). So the odds of me having a v-back are really good right now, and Sarah is sounding healthy. So yea, I am going to have a good birth and Sarah will be able to come home with me! I can't wait to see how adorable she is. I hope she looks like me, they can't both look like Andy right? If for whatever reason I don't give birth this week I have another doctors appointment on Monday the 23rd. If you can't tell I really want it to happen this week. I'll let you all know what happens!
Friday, March 13, 2009
I did it!(kind of)
OK, so for one of my new years resolutions I wanted to get at least one piece of jewelry published. Well I just barely(like two seconds ago) entered not one but five pieces into the beadstar competition. Magazine editors pick the pieces they like most and then post them so anyone can vote for their favorite. I wont know if I made it that far until June 30th. I entered five hoping that at least one will make it that far. If I make it to the top 5 they will publish it in the Beadstar magazine. I would publish the pictures here but I'm feeling a little embarrassed and insecure at the moment. Maybe in a later post I'll put them up. I should have waited to enter until I had Sarah. I'm already really nervous and that can't be good for my blood pressure. The hardest part of filling out the entry form was naming the jewelry. I suck at stuff like that. Needless to say the names are really lame. Hopefully that wont matter. I'm glad I did it though, I think that entering was the hardest part of it(so far anyway). Who knows, maybe I will do really good. Fingers crossed.
Monday, March 9, 2009
quick update on sarah
I have basically been put on bed rest, not by the doctor, but by Andy. While the doctor did say it was important for me to lay on my side with my feet up, if I sit up for two seconds Andy gets upset. I thought the doctor was going to do an ultrasound but he didn't. He did say that my cervix(?) was soft and open by two cm. which is a good sign for a vbac. He did also say that because of the possibility of toxemia he wont let me go late, but that inducing labor would cause greater risks. I had a big weight gain of @$lbs. and the bottom number of my blood pressure was a little higher than normal. Don't worry, the weight gain isn't as big as your probably thinking, and when the doctor saw the blood pressure numbers we've been keeping track of at home he wasn't as concerned. He did say that if the numbers go up steadily even a little we need to call him. So in a nutshell, I am not sure how I will be giving birth and am spending a lot of time off my feet. None of it matters as long as me and the baby are good and healthy afterward right?
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Picture tag.
OK, so I haven't done the tagging thing before but this one was doable for me.
This is picture number six from file number six.
I can't tell what they are doing, but aren't they soooo cute!?!
Four weeks left.
I have to admit that I'm really nervous about giving birth to Sarah. Not that I think anything will go wrong, it's just that I don't know what will happen. Even if I end up having another c-section for whatever reason, I'm not going to know what to expect. I really don't like not knowing what to expect.
On another note, I have been having the strangest cravings for the last couple of days. For example all day today I have been craving sugar. Not candy, not even kool aid, but pure sugar. I figured that it can't be good to give in to cravings like that one so I ignored it all day until about five minuets ago. The cravings gone, but I can't believe I ate a BIG spoonful of pure sugar.
I am just going to hope that that is the strangest thing that happens in the next four weeks.
On another note, I have been having the strangest cravings for the last couple of days. For example all day today I have been craving sugar. Not candy, not even kool aid, but pure sugar. I figured that it can't be good to give in to cravings like that one so I ignored it all day until about five minuets ago. The cravings gone, but I can't believe I ate a BIG spoonful of pure sugar.
I am just going to hope that that is the strangest thing that happens in the next four weeks.
Monday, February 23, 2009
Sarah update.
So I just had my doctors appointment and so far nothing has really changed from the last one. My doctor just wants me to keep checking my blood pressure twice a day and he wants me off my feet more. My next doctors appointment is March 9th, that is when they are really going to watch what she is doing(head in the right spot, weight, etc.). I really think everything will be OK with this one though.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
just a quick update.
Andy, Avah, and I are now sealed. I thought that it would be harder on me than it was. In fact my blood pressure was better when we finally got home than it was in the morning. I'm glad we finally did it. I feel like a big weight has been lifted off my shoulders.
My blood pressure has stayed normal and the swelling hasn't been bad. I have been getting a lot of headaches the last couple of days. But, I don't think they are painful enough to worry about. I believe my next doctor appointment is on Monday so I will know more then.
Avah now has a cold. I'm a little worried that it might be bad. She insisted on spending most of the morning on my lap drooling on my shirt. I didn't mind too much, she normally wants to snuggle with Andy. It was a little inconvenient as she had had a blow out and taken off her diaper before I managed to wake up this morning(It was poopy). I still managed to get it all cleaned up in time to put her down for an early nap. Another reason I know she is pretty sick is, she didn't complain about the nap at all. Does anyone have a kid that gets sick as often as mine? It feels like there is something wrong with her at least three out of the four weeks a month.
Well I'm sure there's more but I can't think of it so it must not be that important. I'm sure if there is anything else it will be in my next blog.
My blood pressure has stayed normal and the swelling hasn't been bad. I have been getting a lot of headaches the last couple of days. But, I don't think they are painful enough to worry about. I believe my next doctor appointment is on Monday so I will know more then.
Avah now has a cold. I'm a little worried that it might be bad. She insisted on spending most of the morning on my lap drooling on my shirt. I didn't mind too much, she normally wants to snuggle with Andy. It was a little inconvenient as she had had a blow out and taken off her diaper before I managed to wake up this morning(It was poopy). I still managed to get it all cleaned up in time to put her down for an early nap. Another reason I know she is pretty sick is, she didn't complain about the nap at all. Does anyone have a kid that gets sick as often as mine? It feels like there is something wrong with her at least three out of the four weeks a month.
Well I'm sure there's more but I can't think of it so it must not be that important. I'm sure if there is anything else it will be in my next blog.
Monday, February 9, 2009
cross your fingers.
We just had our thirty-two and a half week appointment,( I thought I was farther along. Oh well.) I am swelling and had a bit of protein in my pee. The doctor now wants me to check my blood pressure twice a day. I think my blood pressure is the only thing keeping me off bed rest. He says we need to keep an eye out but that so far he is really happy with how it is going. So cross your fingers and hope that this pregnancy is a lot more boring(that's how my doctor put it) than the last.
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Just some random stuff.
The most important of which is Andy and I are going to the Temple! We are going on the 14th of this month. We are also going to be sealed to Avah on the same day. I'm really excited it is finally happening.
Andy had jury duty again at the beginning of the month. He was selected to be an actual jury person. Luckily it lasted only that day and had nothing to do with the mob.
Avah has her back teeth growing in. Which for the most part she is handling really well, as long as she gets a Popsicle before she goes down for a nap, and really cold water when she goes to bed at night. (is it OK to give kids really cold water when they sleep?)
Sarah has about seven(I think) weeks left before she joins the world. I'm very happy its almost over, but a little nervous about the birth or what might happen in a week. (Avah came six weeks early.) I have a doctors appointment on Monday and I think she will be fine and healthy. After all its gone alot better than the first one already.
I believe that that is all of the highlights of whats going on.
Andy had jury duty again at the beginning of the month. He was selected to be an actual jury person. Luckily it lasted only that day and had nothing to do with the mob.
Avah has her back teeth growing in. Which for the most part she is handling really well, as long as she gets a Popsicle before she goes down for a nap, and really cold water when she goes to bed at night. (is it OK to give kids really cold water when they sleep?)
Sarah has about seven(I think) weeks left before she joins the world. I'm very happy its almost over, but a little nervous about the birth or what might happen in a week. (Avah came six weeks early.) I have a doctors appointment on Monday and I think she will be fine and healthy. After all its gone alot better than the first one already.
I believe that that is all of the highlights of whats going on.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
A fun family night!
For family night last night we ended up building towers out of blocks for about an hour.
I wish I could say their was a lesson and all that, but we are not all that on top of it yet.

She even had fun cleaning up the blocks until she realized it meant bed time. It's very rare that we get family time like this. Especially now when Andy is working all the hours he can, at lube doc and for his brother. He is lucky if he sees Avah for longer than a half hour before her bed time. So this was a good treat.

Avah's other b-day party!(Andy's family)
Avah got a train from her Aunt malessa and Uncle Ivan.

She also got animal crackers and a bath toy that has floating butterfly's and a net to catch them with. I believe that they were also from Grandma and Grandpa.

Grandpa Darcey helped her unwrap her presents, and get the toys out of the boxes. I think Avah had a lot of fun and really liked what she got.
Monday, January 19, 2009
Avah's b-day party!(my side of the family)
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Avah's 2nd birthday photos

Mommy and Daddy love you!
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
I can't believe how big she is!
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